Frequently Asked Questions

Click the following questions to read the answers to the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) about leasing solar panels in Colorado.

Why are we leasing solar panels?

We want to make a contribution to cleaner air in Colorado. J&A Solar Leasing would like to see the day when there is no "Brown Cloud" over Denver.

What is my monthly cost for leasing solar panels?

Your cost is a percentage of the rate your electric company charges you. Right now that is about $11.00 a month per kilowatt of installed solar panels.

How many kilowatts should I install?

The current limit on residential installations is 10 kilowatts. We will match your system to your electricity usage and available roof space.

How much roofspace does the system take up?

About 85 square feet for each kilowatt of panel installed. Depending on the slope of your roof, and how far apart we need to space the rows of panels, it can take up to twice as much space.

How long does it take for solar cells to pay for their carbon cost?

About 2 years according to some estimates.

How much greenhouse gas is saved by using solar panels?

Each kilowatt saves about 3,100 pounds of CO2 emissions per year. A typical system saves between 100 and 200 tons of CO2 emissions over the lifetime of the lease.

What happens at the end of my lease?

You then need to make a decision. You can either renew your lease, or you can purchase the system from us at the fair market value.

What happens to my solar panels if J&Agoes out of business?

For you: nothing. The panels stay. Instead of writing checks to us you would simply write checks to the new owners. On the other hand, we'd be very sad.

What happens if I sell my house before the lease is up?

You can prepay the remaining balance of payments based on an estimate of what the panels will produce for the remainder of the lease or get the new owner to agree to take over the lease. You can also purchase the system outright for fair market value but this is generally not economically viable.

What happens if the panels are destroyed (by fire, flood, hail, wind, or so forth)?

We replace them or fix them. No worries.

What happens if the panels are ripped off in a fierce wind and cause property damage?

Either your (or our) insurance company will determine who is responsible (or not), and pay the claims against the damages. Please pay your homeowner's insurance.

What if I need to repair my roof?

You or your insurance company will need to pay J&A Solar Leasing to remove, store, and reinstall the panels. This must be done in a timely way.

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